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COAL MINE FATALITY - On Monday, September 9, 1996, an electrician was repairing a cable conduit on the right side of a roof bolting machine on an active working section. The roof bolting machine was parked in the last open crosscut and the electrician was sitting on the mine floor with his back to the coal rib. A 14-foot long, 25-inch wide, 13-inch thick portion of the rib, comprised of rock and coal, fell onto the electrician crushing him against the roof bolting machine. The entry height at the accident site was 84 inches. The working section was experiencing problems with excessive pressures on the pillar blocks. Rib sloughing, loose ribs and rock brows were observed by accident investigators. Also noted is the working section was mining just outside the boundary of an over-laying and abandoned mine, 180 feet above.

This is the 22nd coal mine fatality in 1996. As of September 9 of last year, there had been 28 fatalities. This death is the fifth classified as FALL OF ROOF in 1996.

Plan View of the Accident Scene

For more information:
Fatal Alert Bulletin Icon MSHA's Fatal Accident Investigation Report [FTL96C22]