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MSHA has implemented significant improvements to protect the health and safety of our Nation's miners. The following charts provide a detailed overview of MSHA's enforcement and assessment activities, along with the mining industry's safety and health performance.

Each of the items below contain sheets for Coal, Metal/Nonmetal and All MSHA which is a combination of both.

Calendar Year (2008 - 2014)

  • Mine All-Injury Rate

  • Mine Fatality Rate

  • Mine Lost-Time Injury Rate

  • Mine Non-Fatal Lost-Time Injury Rate

  • MSHA Elevated Enforcement Actions
    - Elevated Enforcement is defined as violations cited under Sections 104(b); 104(d); 104(e); 104(g); 107(a) of the Mine Act

  • Percentage of "S & S" Citations and Orders

  • Total Citations and Orders Issued

  • Total Dollar Amount Assessed (2008-2014)

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