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COAL MINE FATALITY - On Friday, November 14, 1996, a section foreman was traveling the longwall face conducting the on-shift examination. As the foreman reached the 124th shield, a sudden outburst of the longwall face occurred. The foreman was struck by large lumps of coal, forcing his head into the shield's control panel. The outburst affected the longwall face from shields No. 121 to No. 131 at the tailgate. One hundred thirty-one shields were utilized along the face and the longwall section was mining beneath 2,000 feet of overburden.

This is the 33rd coal mine fatality in 1996. As of November 14, of last year, there had been 40 fatalities. This death is the second classified as FALL OF RIB in 1996 and the first caused by an outburst.

Diagram of the Accident Scene

For more information:
Fatal Alert Bulletin Icon MSHA's Fatal Accident Investigation Report [FTL96C33]