TABLE_NAME|COLUMN_NAME|DATA_TYPE|DATA_LENGTH|FIELD_DESCRIPTION MINE ADDRESS|MINE_ID|VARCHAR2|7|Identification number assigned to the operation by MSHA. Use mine_id to join to the Mines table. MINE ADDRESS|MINE_NAME|VARCHAR2|50|Mine name as designated on the Legal Id Form (LID) or Mine Information Form (MIF). MINE ADDRESS|CONTACT_TITLE|VARCHAR2|30|Contact title associated with this address. May contain null values. MINE ADDRESS|NEAREST_TOWN|VARCHAR2|30|The nearest town to the mine entered on the Mine Information Form (MIF). May contain null values. MINE ADDRESS|BUSINESS_NAME|VARCHAR2|50|Optional business name that can be used for this address association to allow a different name than the Legal Entity Name. MINE ADDRESS|STREET|VARCHAR2|80|The first line of a street address. May contain null values. MINE ADDRESS|PO_BOX|VARCHAR2|30|Post Office box. May contain data null values. MINE ADDRESS|CITY|VARCHAR2|30|The literal name of a city. May contain null values. MINE ADDRESS|STATE_ABBR|VARCHAR2|2|Standard state abbreviation code. May contain null values. MINE ADDRESS|FIPS_STATE_CD|VARCHAR2|2|Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) numeric state code in which the operation is located. May contain null values. MINE ADDRESS|STATE|VARCHAR2|40|Literal name of a state or minor outlying island territory as defined in Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication. May contain null values. MINE ADDRESS|ZIP_CD|VARCHAR2|9|The zip code plus 4. This is only used for U.S. zip codes. It is not used for foreign postal codes. May contain null values. MINE ADDRESS|COUNTRY|VARCHAR2|30|Country is used for foreign addresses. May contain null values. MINE ADDRESS|PROVINCE|VARCHAR2|20|Province is used for foreign addresses. May contain null values. MINE ADDRESS|POSTAL_CD|VARCHAR2|20|Used for foreign addresses. May contain null values. MINE ADDRESS|MINE_TYPE_CD|VARCHAR2|20|From the Legal ID (LID) form. Values are Facility, Surface or Underground. MINE ADDRESS|MINE_STATUS|VARCHAR2|50|Current status of the mine. Values are Abandoned, AbandonedSealed, Active, Intermittent, NewMine, NonProdActive and TempIdle. MINE ADDRESS|MINE_STATUS_DT|DATE|10|Date the mine obtained the current status from the Mine Information Form (MIF). MINE ADDRESS|PRIMARY_SIC_CD|VARCHAR2|80|Description of the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code for the primary commodity at a mine. MINE ADDRESS|COAL_METAL_IND|VARCHAR2|1|Identifies if the mine is a Coal or Metal/Non-Metal mine.