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Best Practices - Developed by the Surface Haulage Safety Task Force
in Cooperation with MSHA

Entry and Exit. Steps, platforms, walkways, handrails, handholds, guardrails, skid resistance material, etc., are designed to provide safe entry and exit to the machine's operating station and areas where maintenance is performed. Seats (Operator's and Passenger's). Inspect on a regular basis: Machine Instructions and Warnings.

The manufacturer's manual should be in the operator's compartment or located in a readily accessible area.

Become familiar with the manual's contents, especially as they relate to safety concerns, inspection instructions, operation of controls, and the machine's operating limitations.

The manufacturer's manual is the primary source of information for safe operation of any machine.

Your machine has a variety of audible or visual safety warning devices. Blinking lights, buzzers, horns, voice messages, etc., are some of the many ways to warn you of machine problems. Obey the safety instructions and warnings on decals, labels, plates, and safety signs.

Check your windshield and other glass for cracks that could impair your visibility. Mirrors are found on many machines to help the operator be sure that persons and equipment are clear of the machine being operated. Keep emergency exits clear.

Secure loose items in the cab. Do not allow items to interfere with the operation of foot or hand controls.

Any malfunctions, defects, or improper operations are to be reported to and checked by an authorized person to correct the problem.

U.S. Department of Labor
Mine Safety and Health Administration