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U.S. Department of Labor

Mine Safety and Health Administration
201 12th Street South, Suite 401
Arlington, VA 22202-5450
EFFECTIVE DATE:  June 20, 2011 EXPIRATION DATE:  03/31/2013
(Reissue of I09-III-2)                 


                     Administrator for
                     Coal Mine Safety and Health

                      Administrator for
                      Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health

SUBJECT:     Reissue of I09-V-07 - Mine Safety Appliances Life-Saver 60 Self-
                    Contained Self-Rescuer

This Procedure Instruction Letter (PIL) applies to all underground mine operators and independent contractors using the Mine Safety Appliances (MSA) Life-Saver 60 self-contained self-rescuer (SCSR) and all Mine Safety and Health enforcement personnel. This PIL must be reissued because Life-Saver 60 SCSRs could remain serviceable through October 20, 2014, if properly warehoused.

The reissue of this letter provides instructions to enforcement personnel regarding the service life and storage of the MSA Life-Saver 60 SCSR. MSA ceased manufacturing this model on October 20, 2004, and will provide only limited support through the service life of the units still in use. MSA will not refurbish or remanufacture units in service but will continue to supply the wear protection boots.

As a result of a joint Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) evaluation conducted in 2002, MSA and NIOSH issued user notices that outline the service life and storage of the Life-Saver 60 SCSR (copies attached.)

Previous information from MSA was interpreted to mean that all units have a service life of 10 years from the date of manufacture. For units continuously stored in a static condition (i.e., surface warehouses), the 10-year service life still applies.

MSA has provided additional information clarifying that a year of service life equals 2,080 hours for units that are worn/carried or machine/equipment mounted. The effective service life for these units would be a total of 20,800 hours (refer to attached user's notice for calculation of service life).

Mine operators must determine the service life of their Life-Saver 60 SCSRs. If an operator is unable to determine how the SCSR was used, the mine operator must assume the shortest service life. For example, if no records are available for a unit manufactured on October 1997 stored on a mantrip, and the mine operates two 10-hour shifts per day, 7 days per week, 52 weeks per year, the service life would be:

For this example, the unit exceeded its service life hours after September 2000 (October 1997 + 2 years and 45 weeks = September 2000.) Units that have reached the end of their service life must be removed from service according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Previously, MSA stated that the units could only be stored on the base. MSA now states that there are two acceptable storage positions for the Life-Saver 60 SCSR: units should be stored on their bases or on their backs. Units not stored in one of these two positions must be removed from service.

Procedure Instruction
Inspection personnel are to ensure mines currently using MSA Life-Saver 60 SCSRs have a copy of this PIL and attached user notices. MSHA inspectors should verify that in service MSA Life-Saver 60 SCSRs have not exceeded their service life and verify that mine operators follow the manufacturer's revised storage instructions for in-service units.

Internet Information
This Procedure Instruction Letter may be viewed on the World Wide Web by accessing the MSHA Home Page ( and then choosing "Compliance Info."

Filing Instructions
This PIL should be filed behind the tab marked "Procedure Instruction Letters" in the binder titled MSHA Program Handbooks and Procedure Instruction Letters.

Issuing Offices and Contact Persons
Coal Mine Safety and Health, Division of Safety
John Arrington, (202) 693-9549

Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health
Chief, Division of Safety and Health
Marvin Lichtenfels, (202) 693-9600

All Program Policy Manual Holders
All Special Interest Groups
All Underground Mine Operators
All Underground Mine Independent Contractors
